Home > Programme Manual > Implement your project > Sustainable development – implementation phase
All projects accepted in each call will get an invitation to a webinar hosted by the Joint Secretariat, where you will get instructions on how to carry out your project internal workshop. Most webinars will also have a part that is open for everyone that are interested to hear good examples from ongoing Interreg Aurora projects and invited experts. Have a look at our event calendar to find the next webinar.
In the start of the project all regular projects shall perform a mandatory workshop about sustainable development and how your project work with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In the workshop, the staff of the project shall together define which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals the project will contribute to. The defined goals will then be used by the project and the Interreg Aurora Programme in the communication of the project and your project specific goals will be visible on your project page on the Interreg Aurora website.
NOTE! You shall attach the project specific SDG-template from your workshop in the first progress report.
Project communication
Highlight all the great things that you are doing to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and give examples on how you are working with sustainable development within the project.
Please have a look at our hands-on checklist Communicating Sustainable Development.
Progress report
When you write the progress reports and apply for payment, you will be asked to describe the activities carried out during the reporting period. Here it is important that you integrate the actions that you have done connected to sustainable development. When you had a seminar, a research activity, made an analysis or implemented any other activity, describe how the sustainable thinking has been considered in connection to that certain activity.
Interreg Aurora is a brand new programme in the European Interreg community for cross-border cooperation 2021-2027.
The programme offers great opportunities and enables new and exciting cross-border cooperation in the northernmost part of Europe and Sápmi.
Interreg Aurora Managing Authority
County Administrative Board of Norrbotten
Stationsgatan 5
971 86 Luleå
Phone: +46 (0)10-225 50 00
E-mail: interregaurora@lansstyrelsen.se