Interreg Aurora public consultation with stakeholders on the programme post 2027

The European Commission has invited all Interreg Programmes to run a consultation with their stakeholders to get input for future programme periods. This is your opportunity to give your input to the future of the Interreg Aurora programme. 

Submit your contribution before the 16 of June 2024. The survey will take about 10 minutes of your time. Thank you in advance for your time and for sharing your ideas!

What will happen next?

Your input, together with the input from the consultation of Citizens and from the interviews run during the autumn, will be compiled to a report submitted to the European Commission in the end of the year 2024. 

Your input will form an important basis for the European Commission’s proposal on cross-border Interreg programmes in the future.

Data protection

Your personal data, in particular your name or contact data, will not be transferred to any other organisation, including the European Commission. However, we may use your country/region of origin for statistics reasons as well as include your organisation name (if you choose to give us that information) in the content of the report. 

Find more information about data protection (GDPR) at Interreg Aurora here.