The Interreg Aurora Programme is managed and supported by following Programme bodies that are responsible for administering the Programme and assisting the projects. You can read more about their responsibilities in the section below.
The Monitoring Committee is in charge of supervising the Programme and its overall task is to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the Programme implementation. Organisations from each Programme partner country is represented in the committee.
You can find a list of the members on the webpage Monitoring Committee – Interreg Aurora
The Steering Committees are responsible for the selection of projects. Interreg Aurora has two Steering Committees, one for sub-area Aurora and one for sub-area Sápmi. The Steering Committees make the selection of projects based on pre-defined selection criteria. Organisations from each Programme partner country is represented in the Committees.
You can find a list of the members on the webpage Steering Committees – Interreg Aurora
The Managing Authority is formally responsible for managing the Programme. The appointed Managing Authority is the County Administrative Board of Norrbotten based in Luleå, Sweden. The Managing Authority consists of Programme Director, Programme Analyst, Programme Communication Officer and Programme Financial Officers.
The Managing Authority issues the decision document regarding the ERDF-funding (European Regional Development Fund) for the projects and handles the payments of ERDF-funding to the projects. The Managing Authority also handles the claim for funding from the European Commission and are responsible for programme communication.
The Norwegian Managing Organisation, Troms County Council issues the decision document regarding the IR-funding (Norwegian Interreg-funding) for the projects and handles the payments of IR-funding to the projects.
You can find contact information to the Managing Authority and the Norwegian Managing Organisation on this webpage
Contact us – Interreg Aurora
The Joint Secretariat (JS)
The Joint Secretariat consists of Programme Officers based in all three programme countries and they assist with any queries regarding project ideas, partnerships, draft applications, project management, etc. The Joint Secretariat has a role in the assessment of project applications and in the drafting of decision proposals to the Steering Committees. Each approved project will be assigned to a Programme officer, who is responsible for managing any conditions related to project approval, for monitoring project progress and for providing guidance and support to project managers in their project implementation.
The Joint Secretariat is based in:
– Luleå, Jokkmokk, Umeå and Östersund in Sweden
– Inari, Rovaniemi, Oulu and Vaasa in Finland
– Tromsø and Snåsa in Norway.
You cand find contact information to the Joint Secretariat on this webpage Contact us – Interreg Aurora
The task for the Controllers are to check payment applications submitted by the projects. The Controllers check that all project expenditure is eligible according to the European regulations, the Programme Eligibility Rules as well as national legislation. The controls can be both administrative and on-the-spot.
You cand find contact information to the Contollers on this webpage Contact us – Interreg Aurora
The Audit Authority is responsible for sample checks of projects to ensure compliance with the necessary rules and regulations. Second level control or audit refers to checks to verify the expenditure declared. This check is based on a representative sample and does not include all projects. The audit is made after payment of the funding and may include both desk and “on-the-spot” audits. The Second Level Audit is performed by the Audit Authority, assisted by the national representatives of the Group of Auditors.
Interreg Aurora is a brand new programme in the European Interreg community for cross-border cooperation 2021-2027.
The programme offers great opportunities and enables new and exciting cross-border cooperation in the northernmost part of Europe and Sápmi.
Interreg Aurora Managing Authority
County Administrative Board of Norrbotten
Stationsgatan 5
971 86 Luleå
Phone: +46 (0)10-225 50 00