Programme indicators

The programme indicators will measure project outputs and results regarding given indicators dependent on the selected specific objective. Indicators must be provided in the application for all regular projects (not applicable for small-scale projects).

Each project must detail the targets that they aim to achieve through the chosen indicators. The targets should be based on realistic projections of what the project will achieve. When setting the target values for your project, bear in mind that your project shall contribute to the programme targets of the chosen indicators.

Regular projects must report on the fulfilment of the indicators at the latest in the final report. Reporting of indicators is made on a cumulated level directly in Min ansökan in the payment application.  Reported indicators are required to be supported with robust evidence and consider the definitions of the indicators. The project should retain their supporting evidence for each indicator. Even if you do not report on the indicators in the beginning of the project, a comment about the indicators is preferred in each reporting period. Comment fields regarding indicators is found in Min ansökan connected to each indicator. If/when the programme officers finds that indicators are nor reported neither commented on, you will probably get a request on completions regarding indicators.

The total outcome of the indicators is reported by MA to the European Commission during the programme’s implementation for European wide statistical and implementation purposes.

Projects within specific objective 1.1 are expected to contribute to one or several of the following output indicators; RCO07, RCO10, RCO116 and PS01 and one or several of the following result indicators; RCR03, RCR104 and PSR01. 

Projects within specific objective 1.2 are expected to contribute to one or several of the following output indicators; RCO83, RCO87 and RCO116 and one or several of the following result indicators; RCR79 and RCR84.

Projects within priority 2 (all specific objectives) are expected to contribute to one or several of the following output indicators; RCO83, RCO 84, RCO87 and RCO116 and one or several of the following result indicators; RCR79 and RCR84.

Projects within specific objective 3.1 are expected to contribute to one or several of the following output indicators; RCO84 and RCO87 and one or several of the following result indicators; RCR84 and RCR104.

Projects within specific objective 3.2 are expected to contribute to one or several of the following output indicators; RCO84 and RCO87 and one or several of the following result indicators; RCR79 and RCR84.

Projects within specific objective 4.1 are expected to contribute to one or several of the following output indicators; RCO83, RCO87 and RCO117 and one or several of the following result indicators; RCR79, RCR82 and RCR84.

Definitions of output indicators

Definitions of result indicators

Youtube tutorial on indicators

Programme manual