Budget specification

The budget in the application for support shall be specified on partner level as well as under each cost category (flat rates need no specification).

Staff costs (real costs)

  • the planned budget in the application shall be based on estimated real costs. The social fees shall be the specific percentage used in respective partner organisation.
  • staff costs shall be specified for each role (e.g project leader, researcher, project administration, communicator) and each partner with the monthly salary, the percentage of social fees (%) and the level of assignment in the project (full time or fixed part time as a percentage of full time) as well as how many months of the project time this role is engaged to work.
  • add one line per role per partner e.g “Project Manager, 4 205 euros per month, social fees 50%, working 20% for 36 months”. Total cost in column for the intended partner = 45 414 EUR (calculated as 4 205 * 1,50 * 20% * 36).
  • When applying for the payment of an approved grant one reports the real costs based on full time or the fixed part time.

40 % flat rate to cover all other costs 

  • when applying with the 40%-method you only need to specifiy the Staff costs and a flat rate of 40% will automatically be added on top of that.
  • it is a flat rate based on staff costs to cover “all other costs”.
  • mandatory use in regular projects with a budget up to EUR 200 000 and optional use in projects with larger budgets.
  • when applying for payments, you only need to report the Staff costs, and the 40% flat rate will automatically be added based on the reported Staff costs.

15% flat rates to cover Office and administrative expenditure and Travel and accommodation costs. 

  • when applying with the method “all cost categories” two flat rates of 15% will be added automatically based on the amount you register on staff costs.
  • these budget lines are always covered by the flat rates, no real costs possible.
  • when applying for payments, you need to report the Staff costs and all other real costs, the 15% flat rates will automatically be added based on reported Staff costs.

Other possible real costs (if using method “all cost categories)

  • External expertise and services costs, Equipment expenditure and Costs for infrastructure and works.
  • The planned budget in the application shall be based on estimated real costs.
  • The costs shall be specified for each partner with a description of the planned purchases.
  • Add one line per purchase and partner e.g “expert speaker/ laboratory equipment / event x/ xxx, 1 000 euros”. Total cost in column for the intended partner = 1 000 EUR. Also indicate whether the cost is a purchase or a depreciation cost for already bought items.
  • these budget lines are not possible to use in combination with the 40%-flat rate.
  • When applying for the payment you shall report the real costs actually paid.

Project revenue

  • Projects are expected to share outputs and results widely and free of charge. But a budget line for project revenue is available for projects planning to have some kind of revenue.
  • Unexpected revenue not foreseen in the budget in the application stage shall be reported in payment applications to avoid double financing of the expenditure.


  • You must specify who the intended co-financiers are (which organisations will contribute with financing to the project?). This can be the partner itself or other external financiers. It is not necessary to submit documentation of approved grants from external financiers nor regarding own financing.
  • You will need co-financing corresponding to 35% of the EU-costs and 50% of the Norwegian costs. 
  • If you find out that the financing plan differs from what you presented in the application for support, please contact the joint secretariat to change the financing plan.

    – If an external co-financier will not be able to finance the project as intended, the project partner will cover the lack of funding itself. This is confirmed by the applicants in the signing document.

    – But, if you find out that external co-financing will not be approved, and the project partners are not willing to cover the lack of funding with own financing – please contact the joint secretariat regarding either a withdrawal of the application or a reduced budget so that all planned costs are covered. 

EU-funding and IR-funding

  • The EU-funding (65%) and IR-funding (50%) will be calculated automatically by the system once you have added the costs and co-financing.
  • In case the EU-share is larger than 65% and/or the IR-share is larger than 50% you will need to add some more co-financing or lower the costs.

Programme manual