Home > Programme Manual > Apply for a project > Regular projects
Regular projects are projects with a total budget higher than the limits for small-scale projects (more than 40 000 or 60 000 depending on number of participating countries). There are two methods to plan the budget and report the costs. The same method must be used for every partner in the project.
Method A, the 40%-method, is the simplest method where one only has to report on staff costs. All other costs will be covered by a flat rate of 40% based on approved staff costs.
Method B, is a combination of real costs and simplified cost options for different cost types. When using this method, you need to specify all cost categories except from “office and administration” and “travel and accommodation” where a fixed flat rate is applied. The flat rate for each of these cost categories is 15% based on staff costs.
The grant decision – regular projects
The support from the EU-funding and the IR-funding respectively will be granted based on the approved budget and is stated in the grant decision document from the Managing Authority and the Norwegian managing organisation.
The application for support must therefore contain a clearly specified budget which will be the base for approving the support. If you choose the 40%-method (method A) you only need to specify the staff costs. The budget shall be motivated by the activities described and show value for money corresponding to the planned results. After submission of the application for support in Min Ansökan you need to add the signing document regarding the application for support, and it must be signed by an authorized signatory (for both Lead partner EU and Lead partner Norway when relevant).
Payment of the granted support
The payments of the granted EU-funding and IR-funding will be made based on the approved expenditure report and the approved progress report, describing project activities and the outcomes. You will receive a project specific template for the progress report. The expenditures are checked by national Controllers and the progress/final report is approved by the Joint Secretariat. The Managing authority and the Norwegian managing organisation will then make the payments of support from the EU-funding and the IR-funding respectively.
NOTE! Unlike the application for support, the payment application is made in two systems. You use Min Ansökan to apply for payment of the EU-funding and the RF-system for the Norwegian IR-funding. In those systems you need to register the expenditures (for the EU-partners in Min Ansökan and for Norwegian partners in the RF-system) and you must also upload the joint progress report in both systems. The expenditure report and the progress report together create the payment application. After submission of the payment application in Min Ansökan you need to add the signing document regarding the payment application, and it must be signed by an authorized signatory from the Lead partner EU.
Interreg Aurora is a brand new programme in the European Interreg community for cross-border cooperation 2021-2027.
The programme offers great opportunities and enables new and exciting cross-border cooperation in the northernmost part of Europe and Sápmi.
Interreg Aurora Managing Authority
County Administrative Board of Norrbotten
Stationsgatan 5
971 86 Luleå
Phone: +46 (0)10-225 50 00
E-mail: interregaurora@lansstyrelsen.se