The application form in Min Ansökan

Min Ansökan – User account
To be able to create an application you need to have a user account in Min Ansökan. Create a user account via the User Name-option. Anyone who has an account can share access to an application with another user account directly from the Project Area in Min ansökan. When you share access, an email is sent to the chosen e-mail address, and the person is asked to log in to If they don’t already have an account, they need to create one.

The person you share with can:
• Access all cases within the scope of the project on the Project Area.
• Share access with others.
• Remove access for others.
• Submit completions.

Min ansökan – The application form
The below points briefly describes the different sections in the application form in Min ansökan. The number of characters in the application form are limited, the most common limit is 1 000 or 2 000 characters. 

When you enter Min Ansökan to create a new application you need to go through 4 steps before you get into the actual application form.

  1. Select the “organization” you want to apply from. Choose Interreg Aurora to create a new application to Interreg Aurora.
  2. Select the priority from where you wish to apply for funding.
  3. Select the programme specific objective that your project aims at. The selected specific objective will follow into the application, section 1. Read more below on the different sections.
  4. After the above three choices you can create an application. When you click on “New application” you will be asked to “select project”. Here you can either group your new application together with earlier applications (if the application belong to one of your existing projects, perhaps an application of co-financing) or you can choose “+Create new project”. If you choose to create a new project you will be asked to give the project a title. This title will follow into the application, section 1. The recommendation is to choose a short name/title for the project. If the project title is long, please also provide an abbreviation which allow easy identification of the project. Try to choose a name that reflect on the content of the project.

Read more about the application form below on the different sections.

Section 1. Project information

  • Project title  (from step 4 above – is possible to change here in section 1)
  • Specific objective (from step 3 above – not possible to change here in section 1)
  • Select project type: regular project or a small-scale project
  • Select Project start date
  • Select Project end date
  • Select sub-area: Aurora or Sápmi

Section 2-5. Lead partner EU, Project partner EU, Lead partner Norway and Project partner Norway

  • Organization details about the Lead Partner (-s) and the project partners. When your project has partners from both EU and Norway you must appoint two administrative Lead partners to handle the financial parts of an approved project (EU-fund and IR-fund).
  • Name the legal representatives for each partner. As for the Lead partner EU and Lead partner Norway you shall also support the name with documents in the section “Attachments” verifying the right to sign the application on behalf of the Lead partner’s organization. (The supporting documents of authorized signatories are not neccessary for other partners than the Lead partner EU and Norway at the application stage)
  • State the VAT-number (if organisation is registered for VAT)
  • State if the organization is entitled to recover VAT based on national legislation for the activities implemented in the project. If you answer Yes it means that you can recover VAT from the state and the VAT is not a final cost in the project.
  • Describe the motives for each partner to participate in the project and the contribution from each partner to the project implementation.
  • For the Lead partner EU – enter the bank account in the form BIC and IBAN for the account you wish to receive payments in case your project is approved. The bank account number shall be verified by supporting documents in the section “Attachments”, either already in this application of support or at the latest when you send the first payment application (if your project is approved).

Section 6. Project relevance and context

  • What are the common territorial challenges that will be tackled by the project? How does the project tackle identified challenges and/or opportunities? What is new about the approach the project takes? How does the project build on available knowledge?
  • Why is cross-border cooperation needed to achieve project objectives and results? Explain why the project objectives cannot be efficiently reached acting on a national level. Describe the benefits of working cross-border.
  • Select the project’s main target group (public sector, private sector or civil society). Who will benefit from your project outputs? Specify the target group and their involvement in project planning. Explain the dialogue with the intended target group, the needs of the target group shall be clear.
  • Which synergies with past or current EU and other projects, initiatives, strategies and/or policies will the project make use of?

Section 7. Project description

  • Project overall objective. Describe the project’s main objective – what do you aim to achieve by the end of your project? Remember that the project needs to contribute to the chosen programme specific objective?
  • Programme indicators. Indicators are the European Commission’s way of following up results in projects based on predetermined measurement areas. Which indicators your project should measure depends on what the project is to achieve. The output indicators capture results that occur directly during the execution of an activity. The result indicators capture the long term results of several activities. Indicators are not needed in small-scale projects.
  • Sustainable development. Summarize how the three horizontal principles will be integrated in the project (ecological, social and economical).
  • Exit strategy. Describe what you will do to ensure long-lasting results. How will the project secure ownership, durability and transferability
  • Project summary. You will also be asked to give a brief summary of the whole project including the overall objective. This text is to be used to inform about the application and if approved, the project, in various stages of the application and project cycle.

Section 8. Project management

  • How will the project partnership be structured? Describe how you will organize and coordinate the partnership in order to ensure quality in your project implementation.
  • How will the financial management be handled? Describe responsibilities, plans for financial flows, reporting flows, project-related transfers, reclaims, within the partnership and towards the programme.
  • How will you communicate your project? Describe the general approach to communicate the project. Detailed information on communication activities should be specified in each work package.

Section 9. Project activities (Work packages and activities)

  • You will be asked to describe the project activities in one or several work packages (WP:s) that each consist of one or several activities. The WP:s and activities can be named as you prefer.
  • You shall estimate the cost of each WP and activity as well as the duration of each WP. In the description of each WP and activity we recommend including a description on how the partners will participate and who is main responsible of the WP/activity. You will be asked to decribe a detailed specification in each work package how you will communicate the work and results of each WP.
  • Project management and communication should not be own work packages but incorporated and described as parts of all the other work packages.

Section 10-11. Budget EU and Norway

  • Specification of the planned costs for the project, the budget must be separated in one budget for all the EU-partners and one budget for all the Norwegian partners. The respective budget must as well be specified for each partner.
  • Specify how the project will be co-financed (at least 35% for EU-partners and 50% for Norwegian partners). Name the planned co-financiers and amounts for each partner budget.
  • The EU-support /IR-support will be automatically calculated as the difference between the planned costs and the registered co-financing amounts. If the amount of EU-support /IR-support is more than 65% / 50% you need to add more co-financing or lower the costs.

Section 12. Contact information

  • Provide at least one contact person for each partner organization so the Interreg Aurora Team knows whom to contact in case of completions requests or distributing of information. 
  • If you need to update the contact information in a submitted application or an approved project, you need to contact the programme via to add/change contact persons.

Section 13. Attachments

The mandatory annex to be attached to the application is:

  • A document verifying the right to sign on behalf of the Lead partner organisations (both EU and Norway depending on the partnership constellation). This document can be internal or external official documents stating that the person signing has the right to do so, such as statutes, law, regulation, a letter of appointment etc.

In Min Ansökan it says that you need to attach documents of the signing rights for each participating partner, but it is optional at this stage. Those papers needs to be added later if the project is approved.

You may as well attach documents to verify the bank account of the Lead partner EU and the Lead partner Norway (preferably with a bank statement). The verification of the bank accounts are optional at the application stage but needs to be submitted later if the project is approved.

In the menu to the right you can find more information on different sections of the application.

Programme manual