ReCap ASáp – Regaining capacity in a changing Sápmi

ReCap ASáp

The aim of the Interreg Aurora funded project ReCap ASáp, Regaining capacity in a changing Sápmi, is to seek measures for Sámi society to become robust and resilient in times of rapid change. The project will strengthen Sámi civil society’s opportunities to participate in the societal debate on the needs of Sámi development. The project […]

NOWA – Nordic Waste Management Vision


The Interreg Aurora funded project NOWA aims to develop sustainable waste management practices through collaboration among waste management stakeholders in the north of Norway, Sweden, and Finland. The project is targeted at developing preconditions for the Arctic Waste Forum (AWF) to promote international cooperation and address current obstacles hindering the development of the joint waste […]

Girku SOS

Girku SOS

The Interreg Aurora funded project Girku SOS aims to develope a service for the Sami population who need someone to talk to anonymously about life struggeling matters. Girku SOS will contribute to better public health by being present to all people who need someone who is good to talk to when life is difficult. With […]

Young in the Northernmost North

Young in the Northernmost North

At present there is no collective overview of the life conditions of children and young people in the Interreg Aurora Programme area. A need exists for developing a network of youth researchers with an interest in this topic. The aim of this small-scale project is to create a project plan for a large-scale Aurora project. […]



The region of Österbotten in Finland and Norrbotten and Västerbotten counties in Sweden is characterized by rural and sparsely populated areas. In various pre-discussions, project partners have concluded that the combined knowledge and cooperation across the border can generate more outcomes for the future of the areas. The third sector is central to the development […]

DeTo – Developing Together


The vast area of the northern parts of Sweden, Norway and Finland represents a region with unique, similar challenges concerning better connectivity, harmonization of education and regulations and attracting skilled labour in the region. There are several organizations and networks working on cross-border cooperation, however, there is a need to combine good practices, development needs […]


Bridging Youth and Regional Development Through Dialogue

The small-scale project called “Bridging Youth and Regional Development Through Dialogue”, funded by the Interreg Aurora Programme, aims not only to give a voice to the younger generation during the project, but to prepare them for future participation. The project offers a platform for young people to practice dialogue skills, expand networks locally and transnationally, […]

Nordic Battery Belt – Feasibility Study

Nordic Battery Belt

The purpose of the Nordic Battery Belt – Feasibility study is to prepare the region’s battery technology actors for a larger implementation project, which in turn will aim to strengthen the region’s position in the global competition for investments in the battery and electrification industry. This is done through a mapping of available knowledge, workshops […]