

The overall objective of the Interreg Aurora funded project is the conservation of northern Golden eagles through the harmonization of population data collection methods and surveys, joint data analyses, and sharing of knowledge and best practices, including traditional knowledge, for future joint implementation and development of sustainable management strategies. Contact: Navinder Singh, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet,



Tree biomass of young forests is viewed as an important climate-friendly raw-material. Currently, the conventional even-aged rotation forestry management method which is based on clear-cuttings is the dominating forest management system in Nordic boreal forestry. For the forest owner, the rotation management of young stand is costly and the revenues from sales normally is very […]

Power line monitoring for increased resilience

Power line monitoring for increased resilience

One key factor in the ongoing green transition is the increased demand for timely and uninterrupted flow of electrical energy. Unfortunately, the regional power networks of the sparsely populated Interreg Aurora areas are often not set to handle the large transmission requirements stemming from for example high power chargers or solar and wind power generation. […]

Felles Fjellrev – Together for the arctic fox

Felles Fjellrev - Together for the arctic fox

The Arctic fox is endangered in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. In the Interreg Aurora funded project “Felles Fjellrev – Together for the Arctic fox”, public authorities, researchers, and NGOs will join forces to strengthen populations shared by all three countries. The project will focus on conservation measures for the Arctic fox, but also on outreach […]

CLAP – Climate change communication and adaptation of Arctic protected areas

CLAP – Climate change communication and adaptation of Arctic protected areas

Photo: Mostphotos, Oulanka National Park in Finland The ongoing climate change affects National Parks and Nature Reserves in many ways, including effects on nature types and recreational facilities. The changing conditions threaten the values of the areas and creates new risks for both management and visitors. Addressing climate change within the management of protected areas […]



The Gulf of Bothnia is on a global scale a unique brackish water area that is separated from the rest of the Baltic sea by a ridge formation at the bottom of the sea. So far, the water quality of the Gulf of Bothnia has been better than in the rest of the Baltic Sea […]



Sulfidic soils are a considerable challenge when encountered in infrastructure projects and urban expansion due to poor geotechnical properties and severe acidification when disturbed. The microbiology, geochemistry and soil mechanics of these soils are interconnected and therefore, a multidisciplinary approach is needed to assess the long-term environmental consequences of current management methods of excavated sulfidic […]

Food education for the future

Food education for the future

Food education for the future is an Interreg Aurora funded project between Norway, Sweden and Finland. The project addresses a common challenge on climate change and low food self-sufficiency. By joining understanding of modern and traditional knowledge on food production as to increase awareness of climate change and adaptation through learning hubs, real-life learning sites […]