We’re excited to show you our new Interreg Aurora Programme summary. The summary will explain the Priorities and show what kind of cross border projects Interreg Aurora can fund. Great ideas know no borders.
Animation of the summary
We’re excited to show you our new Interreg Aurora Programme summary. The summary will explain the Priorities and show what kind of cross border projects Interreg Aurora can fund. Great ideas know no borders.
Animation of the summary
For the first time, pups from the Arctic fox breeding program run by the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) was released into the wild
The Interreg Aurora funded small-scale project ForestEcoSecurity ran between 2024-03-01 – 2024-09-30. The project reviewed Nordic Boreal young forest study results of digital tools for
The purpose of the Interreg Aurora funded small-scale project St Olav Ways (2023-08-01 – 2024-01-31) was to enhance understanding and knowledge of the shared cultural
Interreg Aurora is a brand new programme in the European Interreg community for cross-border cooperation 2021-2027.
The programme offers great opportunities and enables new and exciting cross-border cooperation in the northernmost part of Europe and Sápmi.
Interreg Aurora Managing Authority
County Administrative Board of Norrbotten
Stationsgatan 5
971 86 Luleå
Phone: +46 (0)10-225 50 00
E-mail: interregaurora@lansstyrelsen.se