Discovered great interest in app for hiking trails

Elina Hutton from the project From Lab to Landmarks: A Cross-border Initiative for Science, Discovery and Tourism has written an article in Norwegian about the Interreg Aurora funded project From Lab to Landmarks: A Cross-border Initiative for Science, Discovery and Tourism. The project has created digital content for nature trails in Enontekiö (Finland), Nord-Troms (Norway) and Kiruna (Sweden). By collaborating with research institutions, tourism actors, schools and local communities, the project […]

Cross-border knowledge transfer in the waste management sector

NOWA project

In March 2024, the project partners from the Interreg Aurora funded project NOWA organised an extended project meeting involving waste management stakeholders from Norway, Finland, and Sweden. During a 3-day meeting, the project partners and associated partners visited Oulu-based waste management company Kiertokaari Oy, it’s textile collection and sorting site Likke, industrial waste management company […]

Six themes for future cross-border cooperation that can strengthen the battery technology actors

Nordic Battery Belt (feasibility study)

Norway, Sweden, and Finland face similar challenges with the emerging green industry and battery production industries. The project partners Kvarken Council, EGTC and Midtskandia has implemented a small-scale project/feasibility study funded by Interreg Aurora to prepare the battery technology actors for a larger implementation project. Within the project, challenges and opportunities related to the ongoing […]

To shift from cooperation to cocreation

The Sweden-Finland-Norway CrossBorder Information Service: Päivi Koivupalo, Markus Lyyra and Birgitta Tamminen

The project partners Kemi-Tornionlaakson koulutuskuntayhtymä Lappia, Utbildning NORD and Koulutuskuntayhtymä OSAO have in the Interreg Aurora funded project DeTo – Developing Together gathered a comprehensive report on the cross-border cooperation networks, best practices, development needs and future initiatives for the labour market. The purpose of the report is to describe current situation from the point […]

Strengthened dialogue between Skolt Sámi communities and municipalities

Photo by Ville-Riiko Fofonoff, depicting quadrille dance in Sevettijärvi village celebration 2019.

“Leäm kuärgaž što ouddprojekt vuäǯǯai äigga saaǥǥtõõllmõõžž sääʹmǩiõl vueʹjjest di uuʹdi vuäppõõzid mäʹhtt mij vueiʹttep viikkâd mij ǩiõl ouddårra da staaneed tõn kuõiʹtpeälla raaj/ I’m glad that we during the small-scale project started a discussion about the state of the Skolt Sámi and it gave us advice on how we can take the Skolt Sámi […]

How young fiddlers keep Finland’s tradition of folk music alive

ICH North project

In June 2023, Deutsche Welle journalist Gunnar Köhne visited Kaustinen in Finland, to learn more on how young musicians can play a key role in keeping the cultural heritage of traditional music alive in this region as well as learn more about the Interreg Aurora-funded project ICH North. Kaustinen fiddling is now on UNESCO’s Intangible […]

Further development of drone technology, from depth measurements to fireworks

SUMMATION has written an article in Norwegian about the Interreg Aurora funded project SUMMATION. The project SUMMATION will further develop the use of autonomous drones for depth measurement and loading of ships. They will also look at the possibility of using drones to replace fireworks. Read the article at

Strengthening youth participation in regional development


The Interreg Aurora funded small-scale project “Bridging Youth and Regional Development Through Dialogue” is completed. The project partners Regional Council of Kainuu, Nord Universitet and Council of Oulu Region aimed not only to give a voice to the younger generation during the project. They also aimed to prepare the youth for future participation. The project […]

Exploring the World of Entrepreneurship Education and Future Work Life Skills

Photo of students, teachers and robot dog.

During Entrepreneurship Week in Oulu, a lot was happening, with one central theme being entrepreneurship education. The ‘My Future – Our Future’ event brought together approximately 90 secondary-level students and teachers from the Bothnian Arc and Torney Valley regions on September 6th-7th. This was the second cross border visit organized by Interreg Aurora Entrepreneurialis project. […]