Upper-secondary students participate in a sustainable innovation competition in Luleå

Upper-secondary students participate in a sustainable innovation competition in Luleå

Around 100 upper secondary students and teachers from Norrbotten (Sweden) and Northern Finland will gather in Luleå on April 16–18 to participate in an innovation competition with the theme of industrial transition and societal change in Northern Sweden!

The event is part of the Interreg Aurora funded project Aurora Entrepreneurialis project, aimed at developing entrepreneurial culture, sustainable entrepreneurship, and cross-border cooperation in the region’s high schools and vocational institutions. Participants will work in groups consisting of both Swedish and Finnish members. Each group will develop an idea, which they will present to the jury at the end of the third day. The key word for the entire event is polyphony, which emphasizes the importance of many different perspectives and voices. Participants will learn more about industrial transition and changes by visiting various sectors, including SSAB, Hybrit, Naturskyddsföreningen, Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan, Butiken Samlat, Länsstyrelsen, Hushållningssällskapet and Luleåbiennalen.

From Oulu, Oulunsalo and Haukipudas high schools, as well as Oulun Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu, are participating. Students and teachers from Torne Valley are participating from Lappia Vocational College and Tornion Yhteislyseo High School. Representing Swedish institutions are secondary schools from Piteå, Haparanda, Boden, and Ylitornio.

The project is collaborating with the media, and you are warmly welcome to meet our students and teachers in Luleå on April 16–18. If needed, we aim to organize meetings with participants before the trip. If you are interested, please contact Project Managers Linda Strandenhed and Kati Ilkka or Project Coordinator Raija Paasimaa.

Press contact information:

UF: Linda Strandenhed, linda.strandenhed@ungforetagsamhet.se  +46-707247444
City of Oulu: Kati Ilkka, kati.ilkka@ouka.fi +358-409664707
Vocational Institute Lappia: Raija Paasimaa, raija.paasimaa@lappia.fi  +358-400578941

The Aurora Entrepreneurialis project is led by the City of Oulu, Ung Företagsamhet Norrbotten (UF), and Lappia Vocational College. It is funded by Interreg Aurora, Region Norrbotten, and Lapland Regional Council. The three-year project aims to develop entrepreneurship education in upper secondary schools in Norrbotten (Sweden) and Northern Finland, targeting both students and teachers. The project has three main themes: promoting an entrepreneurial culture in schools, developing sustainable entrepreneurship education, and fostering cross-border cooperation. We create networks, provide teacher training, promote exchanges, and organize innovation competitions and study visits for teachers and students. For more information: https://www.ouka.fi/en/aurora-entrepreneurialis

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