Interreg Aurora Monitoring Committe meeting in Kiruna 22-23 May 2024

Updated Terms of reference for Interreg Aurora calls for project applications

The Interreg Aurora Monitoring Committee has met in Kiruna 22-23 May 2024. On the meeting agenda was a decision on the Terms of reference regarding the upcoming Interreg Aurora calls for project applications.

After a review of the so far approved projects, the programme has identified some areas that will be prioritized in order to reach the overall programme objectives in accordance with the recommendations of the European Commission. The Monitoring Committee has decided that specific applications will receive one extra point in the selection of projects.

The Interreg Aurora programme specifically welcomes applications:

  • in sub-area Sápmi
  • cooperation regarding research, innovation, and business development in small and medium sized enterprises
  • water management and water resource conservation
  • air quality and noise reduction measures
  • protection, restoration and sustainable use of Natura 2000 sites
  • clean urban transport infrastructure that enables the operation of zero-emission
  • digitalisation of transport when dedicated in part to greenhouse gas emissions reduction, urban transport
  • alternative fuels infrastructure.

Updated call info!
In call 3 for Small-scale projects Specific Objective 1.1 Research and innovation in sub-area Aurora is closed regarding EU-funding and IR-funding. There are also limitations regarding Norwegian funding.

In call 5 for Regular projects all Priorities and Specific Objectives will be open for project applications regarding EU-funding and Norwegian IR-funding in both sub-areas (Sápmi and Aurora). There are limitations regarding Norwegian funding.

The Interreg Aurora programme advise applicants to regularly check the web for information on the calls. Information about the calls is found on this webpage.

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