EU in my region

Europe in my region – campaign in May

Europe in my Region is an annual EU-wide campaign to show citizens the EU-funded projects in the regions they live in. This is achieved through involving citizens to explore EU projects with own eyes.

Interreg Aurora projects, how does financing from EU benefit your regions and the citizens?
Tillväxtverket in Sweden coordinates a campaign during May 2-12. The campaign involves projects inviting visitors to take part in their work and results in various ways. It can be, for example:
– Lectures
– Guided tours
– Exhibitions
– Movies and articles
– Other exciting activities.

Don’t forget to tag your activities #EUinmyregion

Registered activities will be helped to spread information, among other things, by appearing on the campaign map together with all other projects participating in the campaign, and since it is the same campaign in all EU countries, you will be visible throughout Europe!

More information and registration forms are available at Anmälningsformulär 2023 – Eufonder

Info in English Inforegio – #EUinmyregion (

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