Partner search - Bicycling & Winter bicycling in the arctic

Bicycling & Winter bicycling in the arctic

Partner search: Large part of mobility takes place in car travel which increase low health numbers and GHG emissions from transports, whereas almost 50% come from travels in private cars. Citizens and particularly parents have habituated taking children to school and other activities because of much care and not allowing them to ride their bicycles to school as they don’t find it safe. We will analyze bicycle infrastructure in Norrbotten and work on Policy instrument for snow removal plan and bicycle plan. Build an active urban community around winter bicycling and increase winter bicycling by making sure citizens enjoy cycling year around through communication activities to build a community with short social media movies, ambassadors and volunteers. We will also compile a bicycling-activity library for municipalities.

We seek academic and municipal partners who share this vision and are interested in networking, shaping, and co-creating a joint project for the Interreg Aurora call in September 2024.

Contact: Isabella Katsimenis, Energikontor Norr,

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